Adjusting to Home Life


Adjusting to Home Life

Clare Strange gives a talk at Stoke Mandeville Hospital

You may feel a little apprehensive about your relative finally returning home, despite all the preparations from the OTs, physiotherapists and nurses preparing them for discharge.

It is understandable if you feel a bit anxious or unsure how everything will work out, getting used to new routines, equipment, and having your relative back at home again after a long period away. The person with the SCI may also be feeling a bit nervous about leaving the security of hospital and friendships that they made whilst there.

They may also not want to be a burden to you and your family.

It might take a little while for them to stop feeling an outsider in their own home, knowing that their family has coped without them for a long period of time and feeling unsure how they will fit back into the family unit.

During the first few weeks and months, there may be bad days as well as good days for all of you. Families all react in different ways and some families settle more quickly than others.

There will be a period of adjusting to new routines, getting used to living with a PA/carer (if your relative has a high level of injury) and the change in roles within the family.