Helping your relative to adapt

Adjusting to home life

Helping your relative to adapt

There may be some days when your relative is more aware of their disability than on other days and it is possible that they may vent their frustration on you or the rest of your family, because they feel fed up or angry.

This might be difficult to deal with at times, but it is important to know that there is a wide range of support which will continue once your relative has been discharged and that you won’t be left on your own or need to feel isolated.

The Spinal Injuries Association (SIA) has a Peer Link Scheme which can give information and support over the telephone. If requested, they can put you or your relative in touch with other SCI people who live in your area and direct you to other relevant services offered by SIA and other agencies and organisations.

On the SIA website ( ) there is a message board section and a chat room for both SCI people and family members enabling you to “post” messages which may then be responded to by other family members who may be going through a similar experience as yourself.

If you want to post something on the Message Board, SIA will ask you to register with them, but your email details and personal information will be kept confidential and cannot be sought or exchanged via the site.

Family members can contact the SIA Freephone Advice Line with their queries or if they wish to contact another family.

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