Exercise and SCI

Most people exercise to improve their appearance and self-esteem, increase their physical endurance and strength, relieve stress or simply to become healthier

Although spinal cord injury can make it somewhat harder, it need not make it impossible. 

When you have SCI it is much harder for you to burn off calories as effectively as someone without paralysis.

The major factor that makes it harder for your body to burn off calories is the loss of muscle mass.
  • Muscle burns calories even when your body is at rest.
  • For a spinal cord injured person, your resting metabolism can be as low as half that of a person without a SCI.
  • So even though you may exercise regularly, you will burn significantly fewer calories than an able-bodied person performing the same exercise.

There can be numerous benefits of
keeping fit, including:
    • Improved skin tone
    • Improved blood circulation
    • Improved bladder function
    • Reduction in spasm
    • Pain relief
    • Weight control
    • Exercise will help keep your joints flexible as well as helping maintain muscle strength
    • It will help you sleep better and may help you feel better about yourself.
What can you do?
    • A good starting point is to find an exercise programme a that suits you. 
    • You can do this either alone or with the help of a gym or a sports club.
    • There are also a variety of sports that a spinal cord injured person can do
    • WheelPower is a national charity that can help with advice, guidance and a range of opportunities that may interest you.