Living well with Spinal Cord Injury

Living well with SCI often means managing what are called secondary complications that at first do not seem to be part of the spinal cord injury and paralysis.

These include many health conditions which can impact your health, quality of life, ability to return to work and hobbies, and life expectancy.

Learning about managing your spinal injury is part of the early rehabilitation you should receive in hospital, and you can use clinic visits and telephone calls to ask for new information if you are worried.

But sometimes people tell us they want the knowledge long after discharge or need to look something up out of hours, so this website aims to help with providing information that we are agreed on within the unit.
It will not replace specific medical advice if you have an urgent problem, but hopefully will help you and your family manage your health better.

NOTE: More information on what can be done, and how the NSIC is supporting a range of ways to help you understand more, and live well with SCI, can be found in the Patient Education section of the site.