The spinal cord

The spinal cord exits the brain at the brain stem and travels down the middle of the skeletal column down to the 1st and 2nd vertebrae.

    • At this point hair-like nerves form a tail and spread through the lumbar and sacral region.
      This is called the Cauda equina (horse tail).
Did you know?

There is a specific, but uncommon, condition known as Cauda Equina syndrome.
If this applies to you, you can find out more by viewing/downloading this patient education leaflet

31 pairs of spinal nerves leave the vertebral spaces, named according to the section where they leave the spinal column:

Cervical = 8 pairs
Thoracic =12 pairs
Lumbar = 5 pairs
Sacral = 5 pairs
Coccygeal = 1 pair

Sensory Neurones
  • Spinal nerves contain motor fibres.
  • Nerves convey messages from the cord to muscles.
  • Sensory fibres carry information into the cord.

Key to nerves

BLUE = Cervical
GREEN = Thoracic
YELLOW = Lumbar
RED = Sacral / coccygeal