Index to useful websites

www.horatiosgarden.org.uk Beautiful gardens in NHS spinal injury centres
www.lifeafterparalysis.com Stoke Mandeville Spinal research
www.spinal.co.uk Spinal Injuries Association website | Freephone Information Line: 0800-980 0501
www.spinalnet.co.uk Lots of information and links
www.backuptrust.org.uk organisation offering ‘challenging activities’ to build confidence and independence
www.aspire.org.uk Rehabilitation and reintegration of people with SCI
www.brainandspine.org.uk Organisation offering ‘challenging activities’ to build confidence and independence
www.spinalcordinjury.co.uk Variety of information and help available
www.spinal-research.org Research into SCI treatment
www.dwp.gov.uk Government website with welfare benefits information
www.disabilityalliance.org Independent welfare benefits advice
www.disabilityrightsuk.org All about disability rights
www.disabilityactionalliance.org.uk Partnership between organisations
www.motability.co.uk Disability and cars
https://www.sexandthespine.com/ Sex and the Spine
www.paralysisnutrition.com SCI and Nutrition
https://www.spinalinjuriesscotland.org.uk/ Spinal Injuries Scotland
Some relevant International websites:
https://sci-bc.ca/ Spinal Cord Injury BC
https://www.uhn.ca/TorontoRehab UHN Toronto Rehabilitation Institute
https://sci.washington.edu/ Northwest Regional Spinal Cord Injury System
https://www.shepherd.org/ Shepherd Center
https://www.mayoclinic.org/ Mayo Clinic