Peer support

Peer support / counselling / mentoring is based on the assumption that individuals who have gone through the same types of experiences (and who are now living or coping successfully) may be best able to provide guidance and assistance to those more newly injured.

The relationship of the peer is first and foremost with the individual (with the disability) and the goals of the interaction are generally set by the desires and expectations of one or both of these individuals.

  • These are areas where we use the Spinal Injuries Association (SIA), Aspire and the Back Up Trust’s services.
At NSIC we have different roles to cover the peer support element

They are:

  • People within the patient education, physiotherapy and occupational therapy teams
  • Speakers who deliver group sessions (both volunteers and staff members)
  • Independent living advisor from Aspire and
  • Other professionals who visit our centre on a regular basis.

Research has shown that patients who are in contact with others with a “lived experience” of the same condition feel more confident about managing their life with a spinal cord injury.

Patient navigators

Closely related to the concept of peer mentor is the concept of patient navigator, a person who assists the individual in navigating the health care system and, where necessary, serves as a patient advocate.

NOTE: We have not as yet begun to explore the role of patient navigator in SCI health management, but will follow the systems in the USA where they are piloting this approach.

  • The concept has its origins in the 1980s in cancer care and continues to gain support in addressing the health care needs of people with many other conditions including SCI in the USA.
  • Patient navigators, unlike peer counsellors, do not necessarily share the same health condition as the person they are assisting or have a disability themselves.
  • But, like peer mentors, patient navigators receive training and supervision from a health care professional.

In many ways, the use of peer mentors, patient navigators, patient advocates, and other forms of patient coaching underscores many of the health system’s underlying weaknesses with respect to access, usability, and responsiveness.

  • The use of third party agents, in one sense, represents a work-around solution to barriers in the health system that stop the individual themselves feeling confident to work alone with the service.
  • We also wish to pursue studies which show that patient coaching strategies can improve adherence with medical recommendations, performance within an organization and cognitive functioning, so watch this space…!