Get Involved


Get Involved

Access to timely and appropriate health care and information is vital to the health and wellbeing of individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI)

We want to ensure that we develop NSIC-Online to help you to live well, both during the early days after SCI and throughout the lifespan of your injury.

And we have plans!!

NEW – Interactive, online learning

We have started to develop some new interactive, online learning modules, building on the information you receive during your rehabilitation at the Centre

  • These are designed specifically for you (and any interested family and friends) to be able to add to your understanding of the different topics in an engaging way – like the whole of this site, you will be able to access them from any device, eg PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone – you can even start a module on one device, and complete it on another (the system will ‘bookmark your place’ even if you are part way through a quiz!)

We have started with Nutrition and Skin Care, and will shortly be able to make these available via a link to a new area on this site, which we are calling our Online Learning Centre

When they go live, we will put a notice on the front of the site, and would really like you to take a look and let us know what you think:

  • There will be a (VERY SIMPLE) registration process to access this area
  • This means you can bookmark where you are in the modules
  • And where there is a quiz, you will get immediate feedback
  • A comment form will let you tell us what you think of each module


Help us develop ACTIVE SELF-MANAGEMENT with and for you

NSIC-Online relies on funding, sponsorship and donations for all its ongoing maintenance, support and development. 

We want to increase the scope of the education and assistance we can provide here, so that you can access what you really need throughout the years in order to live well with spinal cord injury.

The overall aim is to enable you to become an active partner in your care, and help us to be proactive in meeting your care needs

As part of this aim we want to develop an ‘ONLINE SYMPTOM CHECKER’ – if you think this would be a good idea, please let us know

The specific conditions we would cover in the symptom checker, with associated guidance for dealing with them are:

  • Bladder and bowel dysfunction
  • Automomic Dysreflexia
  • Skin care/pressure ulcers
  • Early diagnosis is key in treating these conditions effectively

It will really help our application if you can let us know your views about having an ONLINE SYMPTOM CHECKER – please let us know what you think!

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