National Spinal Injuries Centre
Stoke Mandeville - NSIC OnlineWELCOME

Saying “Welcome to the NSIC” is always a strange saying even after many years. No one ever chooses to be in the position of looking for information about spinal cord injury, but if you have come to our website we hope that we can work with you and your family members to give the best possible care and outcome we can together.

We do this by providing a comprehensive, specialised, interdisciplinary rehabilitation service across your lifespan.
This provides you with the skills, knowledge and information to return to your role in society and lead healthy and fulfilling lives.
Just keep working and keep learning with us!
Key charities working with us to support patients and their families:
Quick Links & Resources
Access to timely and appropriate health care and information is vital to the health and wellbeing of individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI).
The website has become a big part of the education programme delivered to patients of the National Spinal Injuries Centre at Stoke Mandeville Hospital

The NSIC Stoke Mandeville website is intended to supplement the information provided to the family and friends, and patients of this centre.