Enabling young people to return to school with Autonomic Dysreflexia may have some physical and emotional challenges. Every member of the school staff will be involved with the returning child. The whole school needs to have clear aims and mechanisms in place to help young people and their families/carers cope with Autonomic Dysreflexia. What causes AD? overfull bladder, bladder infection …
Clubs, sports and extra curricular activities
Don’t forget to get involved with sports and clubs outside school time. Think about what activities you may have enjoyed in the past … or new ones you’d like to try This is your opportunity to take up things you have enjoyed in the past and think about if you want to start new clubs and sports: Ask your club …
Going back to school
“Some people’s strategy for coping is to plunge straight back into school, as soon as they possibly can; others prefer to take things more gently! Do what works for you!” When going back to school there are many questions you may want to ask, for example: Can you have two sets of books for each subject, one to keep at …