About SCI
What is SCI?
3 Items
Living well with Spinal Cord Injury
The spinal cord
The central nervous system
Autonomic Dysreflexia
7 Items
What to do if AD is suspected
FAQs about AD
What is AD?
How can I prevent it?
Signs and symptoms
Care Checklist
Exercise and SCI
3 Items
Before you exercise – things to watch out for
Gym Buddy scheme
Take a course or take up an activity
Bladder and Bowel Management
7 Items
Why is BM important?
Needs and aims
Injury above T-12
Injury L1/T12 and below
Bristol Stool scale
Longer term problems
Your skin after SCI
5 Items
Skin indicators to watch for
Pressure relief
Skincare after bedrest
What if the skin continues to mark?
Suitable clothing for mobilisation and exercise
Respiratory issues – coming soon!
Managing pain
Support for Family & Friends
3 Items
Hearing the news
Emotional impact of SCI
Understanding children’s reactions
Helping your child while you’re in hospital
9 Items
Coping with being in hospital
Physical contact with children
Activities with children
Children helping with care
Other ways of keeping in contact
Talking to your child about your injury
What should children be told?
Information, support and resources
Support for children and young adults at the NSIC (St Francis Ward)
13 Items
About St Francis Ward
What to expect
St Francis Ward Medical and Nursing Team
Orthopaedic Review
Occupational Therapy Service
Clinical Psychology
Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics
Case Manager
Young Patient Education
Play Specialist
Inpatient paediatric programme
St Francis Ward annual report 2018/2019
Growing up with SCI
3 Items
Going back to school
Clubs, sports and extra curricular activities
AD and returning to school
Looking to the Future
3 Items
Future employment
Changing roles at home
Moving home or school
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Going back to school
About SCI
Growing up with SCI
Going back to school
When going back to school there are many questions you may want to ask, for example:
Can you have two sets of books for each subject, one to keep at home and one for school?
This will save you having to find ways to carry them around
Can textbooks be accessed via the internet?
Are the desks or tables at the right height for you?
Find out where the accessible toilet is and where you can keep a change of clothes in case of accidents
Store supplies you use often in a place you can easily get to
Consider how you are going to take part in swimming lessons. Look at the changing facilities , hoist and transport arrangements
Don’t be afraid to ask
Visit the school to make sure you can get around.
The Occupational Therapy department in the NSIC will help you.
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