
AD needs to be treated urgently because it can be fatal.
It is important to find and treat the cause as soon as possible.
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Common causes of Autonomic Dysreflexia (AD)

    • blocked catheter/over full bladder
    • constipation
    • a broken bone
    • ingrowing toenail
    • pressure ulcer
    • erection/ejaculation/emission
    • menstrual problems/gynae problems
    • pregnancy/labour


Treatment of Autonomic Dysreflexia (AD)
First things to do:

  1. Sit up to lower the blood pressure. Raise head to 90 degrees
  2. If you can lower your legs, do so
  3. Next, loosen or remove anything tight
  4. Identify the cause:
    If you can, alert someone that you are having an AD attack, so that whatever is causing the problem can be located and removed or treated
  5. Treat possible cause so that the pain stimulus can be removed
  6. Medicate by taking medication prescribed for AD if you can’t initially find a cause
  7. Seek prompt medical advice if the cause cannot be identified or the blood pressure cannot be controlled.

For further information on CAUSES of AD, click HERE

For more detail on the recommended TREATMENT of AD, go to the next page…
