Hearing the news

When you first hear the news that your relative has a spinal cord injury, you are likely to have both an emotional response and a number of questions that you want to ask.

  • These are likely to be the same for many people, so we have tried to cover some of the most common reactions and questions here.
Finding out that your husband, wife or child has an SCI, whether through an accident or illness, can be an immensely traumatic and distressing time for anyone.
  • During the early stages of an SCI, the doctors will explain the nature of your relative’s injury and the extent of any paralysis, but you may have to wait some time before knowing the likely prognosis for the future. Doctors are not always able to give a diagnosis straight away as it can take a long time for the body to recover from the initial shock.
  • During this period, it is understandable that you may feel completely numb and may find it difficult accepting the reality or extent of the injury. In cases of major trauma there may also be the added anxiety of not knowing whether your relative is going to survive.
  • You may find that you have difficulty taking in all the information that you are given, so do not be afraid to ask the hospital staff what is happening and, if necessary, ask them to re-explain your relative’s medical condition and what will be happening to them during their rehabilitation.
“As soon as I found out that he was alive, nothing else mattered”.

What is spinal cord injury?

  • Your relative will be in hospital because they have sustained damage or trauma to their spinal cord.
  • This will have resulted in loss of function and may have affected sensation and mobility in their body.
  • The spinal cord is a major bundle of nerves carrying nerve impulses to and from the brain to the rest of the body and is protected by the spinal column, also known as vertebrae. The spinal column is made up of 33 bony rings called vertebra, the smallest vertebrae is in your neck and the largest in the lower back.
  • Most damage to the spinal cord is caused by trauma or physical injury, but may also be as a result of a viral infection, cysts or tumours on or near the spinal cord.