Coping with being in hospital

Just the fact of being in hospital can be difficult when you are a parent. 

    • For most people their injury will have occurred suddenly and unexpectedly, and so it is unlikely that you had any opportunity to prepare your child for the fact that you will be in hospital for some time. 
    • Being separated from your child and unable to fulfil your usual role with them can be very difficult for both you and your child.
It is important for you that you know that your child will be well looked after and safe in your absence.
    • If there is someone else at home who is able to focus on your child’s needs, this can be reassuring for you.
    • It is likely that your partner, family and friends may be spending a great deal of time with you in hospital….
      If your partner is at home and able to focus on your child’s needs, this can be very reassuring to you. 
    • It is likely that your partner may be spending a great deal of time with you in hospital or they need to work or have other responsibilities. 
    • It can help if other relatives or friends are able to help out with childcare. 
    • As much as possible, try to stick to people that your child knows well
    • Children feel more secure when they are with familiar people and when there is not too much change.
    • Trying to maintain their usual routine and activities can also help.
It is also important for your child to know where you are and why you are unable to be at home at the moment. 
    • Your child needs to know that they will be able to see you and keep in close contact with you even though you are staying in hospital.